17 March 2023

 Happy st. Patrick’s day, everyone!

To celebrate this day I’m posting a throwback to my trip to Dublin, few years ago, with this photo shot inside the Guinness factory. As always I’m trying to investigate the origins of this day: we can easily find out that all we know about St. Patrick was written by the man himself, except the date of this death, obviously.

The Celts were celebrating spring equinox, as many other cultures around the worlds, in those days, so, by using the common practice of syncretism, there’s a huge probability that the date was later fixed by christians in a day preceding the spring equinox. Actually, even if people were unofficial celebrating St. Patrick in those days, the day was not fixed until the 17th century.
Btw, did you know that Guinness beer is now a totally vegan beer? It may sound strange to point that out, but if you watch at the ingredients list of many (MANY) other beers, you’ll find isinglass, a fish derivate hugely used to clarify the beer. Just check at carnivore.com, to find a list of all the vegan and non vegan beers, and your mind will be blown away.
But now: let’s enjoy st. Patrick day with friends and a glass of something good!


13 March 2023

Guilty Pleasure: Oscar Night 2023

As every year I wait in excitement for the Oscar night (even if often the movies I would like to see there are not nominated), but I still think it's fun to see who's winning, to try to understand the world we live in. The winners of the Oscar night are often the most "feelgood" and "politically correct" movies, so even if some of these may be good, they often aren't. The ongoing war in ucraine is of course influencing the nominees and the winners, and as always actuality is mirrored in moviemaking. the realism in movies is still going strong, as it should be. Just try not to just follow one stream of thought, try to think freely in any situation.

I've been guessing the nominations, and tried hard to watch as many movies as possible, even though here in Norway many movies'll come after their eventual victory.

So here it come my personal opinions on the nominated I got to watch. It may be a winner here, or maybe not. Enjoy the night, the red carpet, and try and watch some good movies, not only the "blockbusters", with huge productions and little meaning. Here we go!